Now we discuss Python boolean in detail. We shall discuss what are boolean. What is the use of these boolean in python, and much more.

What are Boolean in Python
Now before discussing what are booleans in Python we should aware of word or term boolean that is use in the context of programming. Boolean is used when we have to know that our expression is true or false. We can evaluate any expression in an programming language and can check whether it is true or not you might know when we use comparison operator our compiler will give us answer or you can say output in True or False see below example:
print(200 > 100) print(200 == 100) print(2000 < 100)
True False False
Most Values are True in Python How can we check
For example in our code any string, number or array is true when it is empty or 0 or empty respectively. Otherwise it will be false see below example:
print(bool("")) print(bool(12345678)) print(bool(["c++", "c#", "python"]))
True True True

Some Values are False in Python How can we check
print(bool(False)) print(bool(None)) print(bool(0)) print(bool("")) print(bool(())) print(bool([])) print(bool({}))
False False False False False False False
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